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Mind the Gap: A Six Step Guide to Organizational Success

Sep. 09, 2019
Global Knowledge


This e-book details the six steps along the learner’s journey. People are the heart of any organization and success can only be achieved when you develop the people who orchestrate technology and business processes. Learn how to identify and close skills gaps, select a training provider, evaluate success, and more.



Identify skills gaps

A shortage of necessary skills is currently plaguing IT. And the gap between the skills needed and the skills possessed is growing. Nearly 80% of global IT decision-makers report a lack of skills amongst their employees.

Skills gaps are disrupting organizations and professionals.

Skills gaps aren’t always right in front of you, but they can be hiding in plain sight. You may be falling behind and not even know it. Once you know what to look for, you’re on your way to closing them.

Symptoms of potential skills gaps

A key indicator of success is how proactive you are in recognizing the following red flags. Don’t wait for these issues to fester and make their way to you. You need to go to them.

  • Project and deployment delays
  • Peers or management expressing frustration about employee capabilities
  • People being hired with new skills because the talent isn’t in-house
  • Organization is afraid to move away from legacy systems
  • Unhappy, maybe even disgruntled, workforce
  • Employees are asking a lot of “how to” job-related questions
  • A noticeable amount of preventable employee errors
  • High employee turnover
  • Hearing horror stories from other organizations and realizing your organization has similar issues


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