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Learning Path Design

Manage Your Talent to Stay Competitive

As technologies continue to evolve at breakneck speeds, more baby boomers retire and workforce attrition continues, attracting and retaining highly skilled employees has become more important than ever. To remain competitive, organizations need to transform the way they look at existing job roles and employee promotions to address outdated job descriptions and meet the needs of a multi-generational talent pool.

Global Knowledge consultants give human resources departments and managers the necessary tools to adapt and stay ahead of industry innovations, including big data analysis and cloud computing.


  • Improve employee retention
  • Recruit top talent
  • Manage market-driven changes

What We Do

Career Path Development

Job roles often have tiers but no pathway to transition between the tiers. We help organizations identify and standardize the skills required to transition between positions.

Training Plan Design

No job is static. Training paths help employees gain the tools and skills they need to become more efficient and proficient in their current roles. Our consultants work with human resources departments to create job-specific requirements, certifications and learning curriculum.

Job Role Realignment

Global Knowledge solutions consultants can help businesses use their existing workforce to fill job gaps. Our experts design individualized education plans that include course recommendations, industry resources and on-demand study aids.

An Added Value

Workforce Solutions

Our experts can take you through every stage of the transformation process from identifying learning path challenges and opportunities to implementing a custom workforce solution. From real-time virtual classes to on-site private group training, Global Knowledge can provide a variety of classes, courses and other learning options in the delivery format that fits your needs and schedule.

Contact Your Account Manager

To learn more about our learning path design services and how you can start transforming your organization, call us at 888-422-8149.